
Commisson Status : OPEN

Terms of Services

*Please be aware that this commission is for private use only. There will be an additional charge for commercial use.*Completion time approximately will be 1-2 weeks, it can be longer depending on the difficulty of the illustration itself and the how many times the revision requested by the client.* The price covered 2 times of revision on the process. I will charge additional fee for additional revision and if there's a revision past base color phase. Major revision such as changing pose/expression, adding new objects, etc on rendering & completion are not allowed.*Here's my process breakdown :
1. Sketch phase
2. Base color phase
3. Rendering and completion
Updates will be sent on each phase
* Please do not rush me to complete while it's still on progress, it will affect the quality of my work.*Strictly prohibited using my art on AI & NFT.*Do not edit and resell my art in any term.*Do not ask me to replicate another artist’s style.*All commissioned artwork will be uploaded my social media/portfolio website. If the client wished to keep the artwork privately, additional charge + 15% of total amount will be applied.


*Full payment in advance is required.*Paypal only.*Once the payment has been made there will be NO REFUNDS and NO cancellations.*I am not responsible for any mistakes that are made on your part over the course of the transaction.

Base Price

Bust Up$20
Waist Up$30
Full Body$40

Background : Start from $15.Adding 80% of the base price for each additional character of every type.

Notes :
*Payment platform service fee are not included.
*Additional fee will be added for detailed objects/request.


TnC Bahasa

*Hanya untuk personal use. Penggunaan secara komersil akan dikenakan biaya yang berbeda.*Pengerjaan kurang lebih 1-2 minggu. Bisa lebih lama tergantung pada banyaknya detail yang diminta.*Breakdown proses pengerjaan :
1. Fase sketsa
2. Base Color
3. Rendering
*Harga sudah termasuk 2 kali revisi. Biaya tambahan akan dikenakan bila ada request revisi tambahan dan/atau ada permintaan revisi saat/setelah proses rendering.*Dimohon untuk tidak meminta secara mendesak/memburu-buru hasil commission, karena bisa mempengaruhi hasil akhir.*Dilarang keras untuk menjual hasil commission kembali(baik secara utuh sebagai artwork atau diaplikasikan di media digital/cetak). Dilarang mengedit hasil commission untuk dijual kembali lewat beragam cara.* Dilarang keras hasil commission untuk NFT dan AI.


Price List

TypeStart From
HeadshotIDR 150k
Bust UpIDR 200k
Waist UpIDR 300k
Full BodyIDR 400k

Harga di atas sudah termasuk 2x revisi dan background transparan/base color/gradient.Background : mulai dari 150kUntuk karakter/objek dengan tinkat kedetailan tertentu akan dikenakan biaya tambahan.

Notes :
* Pembayaran hanya melalui BNI/OVO/ShopeePay
*Harga di atas belum termasuk biaya transfer antar bank/biaya admin platform pembayaran